Words from Wendy
    Thoughts, notes, and ramblings...

June 3, 2004:  Here it is -- the last day of the school year finally over and I'm looking at our web page which fell into neglect this year.  I blame it all on technology!  Our focus this year was upgrading our video technology and capacities.  Thanks to our principal, the PTA and the DPA, we were able to purchase a DVD burner, a new tripod for our cameras and software to enhance DVD production.  As more students become proficient with movie editing and dvd production, we will be able to create not only original movie projects, but individual student portfolios with digital clips showing student progress during their time at Miller South.  Learning how to organize this is the next step.

Meanwhile this summer, I'm going to work on updating our Thespian page, posting new pictures, sprucing up the look of things around here and generally getting ready for the next season.  Be sure to check in every now and then to see what's new.  If you are a former Miller South drama student, be sure to email us so that we have your address for future mailings.  We really want to improve our communications and to hear about what alumni are up to!

Stay tuned for next season's play and event announcements!

Don't forget to play some theatre games and memorize something new.  I will be sending home some practice material for all drama students to keep voices and articulation in shape.

Stay in touch,